
lördag 14 juli 2012


I've admired Alisa Burke for quite some time now and I've been looking at her online classes... drooling some and thinking that I'd love to take them all! I haven't... yet... but I did sign up for Doodle delight and the Art of Abstraction recently and I have to say I love both of them.

Sneaking in some sketching and drawing when I really am very busy with summer and family, is a little easier than taking all the paints and big canvases out.

I was drawing these leaves while waiting for Alva to fall asleep one evening and I added colour while being in the car (not driving though... ;) earlier this week. Just for fun, simple shapes + colour, making me happy.

1 kommentar:

Marja Seidemo sa...

så fint!! Visst är hon enormt duktig:-) Tänker också ta en klass där, längre fram när jag är ledig. Har börjat rita lite mer nu....faktiskt och ju mer man ritar desto bättre blir det, det handlar ju om att öva också...ha fina dagar, kram